Public lighting management
Public lighting management

GINVE.LUX module has been created purposedly to sort out all issues related to the management of public lighting with immediate access to info of all kinds being them related to the general status, its quality and maintenance or the geographical site of every single illumination element.
GINVE.LUX offers the users a list of function to support an efficient management of the lighting systems.
More in detail GINVE.LUX allows:
- An easy and immediate check of the public lighting
- The scheduling of the interventions
- A clearer and simpler management of contracts, offers evaluation, necessary interventions, and financial statements.
- Thanks to the metric calculation it is possible to manage the documentation of the elements represented (surveys, projects, etc etc.)
- The graphic representation of the public lighting system
- To manage the historic archive of the activity
- To make thematic maps
- To prints all charts and pics of all elements represented by GINVE
- The highly intuitive Italian interface has been studied with the purpose of providing a very functional and easy program
GINVE.LUX - Supported elements:
- Light source
- Lamps
- Power supply panels
Exportable formats:
- Shape file
- GML2
- GML3
GINVE.LUX - Handled data:
- Identification number
- Tipology (i.e. pole, shelf, ...)
- Site (mapping and toponym)
- Site type
- District
- Street
- Census date
- Census operarator
Qualitative and General
- Piscture
- Notes
- Reinforcement type (i.e, pole, shelf pole, ...)
- Power supply panels (from the power supply panel list)
- Installed lamps list
- Total rated power in watts
- Total absorbed power in watts
- Luminous flux
- Luminous efficacy
- Color temperature
- Color rendering
- Assessment
Lamps sheets state the following info:
- Light source origin (from a list of light sources)
- Lamp type, lamps (mercury-vapour lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, incandescent lamps, neon lamps, etc.)
- Single lamp nominal power in watts
- Single lamp absorbed power in watts
Every power supply panel allows the management of the following info:
- Id
- Typology selected by the user
- Site (mapping and toponym)
- Site type
- District
- Street
- Census date
- Census operator
- Qualitative and General
- Picture
- Notes
- Number of lines
- History of interventions
Intervention registry
GINVE.LUX module has been created purposedly to sort out all issues related to the management of public lighting with immediate access to info of all kinds being them related to the general status, its quality and maintenance or the geographical site of every single illumination element.
GINVE.LUX offers the users a list of function to support an efficient management of the lighting systems.
More in detail GINVE.LUX allows:
- An easy and immediate check of the public lighting
- The scheduling of the interventions
- A clearer and simpler management of contracts, offers evaluation, necessary interventions, and financial statements.
- Thanks to the metric calculation it is possible to manage the documentation of the elements represented (surveys, projects, etc etc.)
- The graphic representation of the public lighting system
- To manage the historic archive of the activity
- To make thematic maps
- To prints all charts and pics of all elements represented by GINVE
- The highly intuitive Italian interface has been studied with the purpose of providing a very functional and easy program
- Light source
- Lamps
- Power supply panels