Desktop GIS for green spaces management
Desktop GIS for green spaces management

GINVE.SDO is a powerful GIS DESKTOP managing computerized green and urban furniture. It is the result of more than 12 years know-how and commercialization of the first platform named GINVE.SHP.
GINVE.SDO manages the risk of potential tree crashes by scheduling chopping downs, necessary pruning and further exploitative studies of the internal structure in order to protect “the guardian” of green from potential responsibilities.
The dedicated VTA section enables the monitoring of every single tree according to dimension, species, defects, etc to determine its security index. When the foliage of a tree is pruned, for example, the software automatically re-calculates the new security index.
The simple use and the highly intuitive user interface make GINVE.SDO and all GINVE products suitable to anyone, allowing technicians and green operators to rely on practical and functional tools to a correct managing of urban green.
GINVE modules enable to extend the activity to other patrimonial elements, such as play equipment, benches, planters, dustbins, drain covers, irrigation systems, control units, pits and dripping wings.

GINVE.SDO is a powerful GIS DESKTOP managing computerized green and urban furniture. It is the result of more than 12 years know-how and commercialization of the first platform named GINVE.SHP.
GINVE.SDO manages the risk of potential tree crashes by scheduling chopping downs, necessary pruning and further exploitative studies of the internal structure in order to protect “the guardian” of green from potential responsibilities.
The dedicated VTA section enables the monitoring of every single tree according to dimension, species, defects, etc to determine its security index. When the foliage of a tree is pruned, for example, the software automatically re-calculates the new security index.
The simple use and the highly intuitive user interface make GINVE.SDO and all GINVE products suitable to anyone, allowing technicians and green operators to rely on practical and functional tools to a correct managing of urban green.
GINVE modules enable to extend the activity to other patrimonial elements, such as play equipment, benches, planters, dustbins, drain covers, irrigation systems, control units, pits and dripping wings.

What you can do with GINVE.SDO
GINVE.SDO provides you with the exact consistency of the green spread on the territory and provide all necessary info in few seconds such as the number of trees within a specific green area, the species, the height, the general and dimensional characteristics, along with damages and interferences. GINVE.SDO managing software allows to monitor interventions and treatments performed and those to schedule on trees, as well as check the date and the outcome of the last inspection. In addition to this it skillfully steers all economic and human resources to grant people the highest standard of security and quality of green.
It is possible to export GINVE.SDO data, in example trees or play equipment, or the entire metric calculation in CVS format and then import, process, and manage them on other platforms.
What you can do with GINVE.SDO
GINVE.SDO provides you with the exact consistency of the green spread on the territory and provide all necessary info in few seconds such as the number of trees within a specific green area, the species, the height, the general and dimensional characteristics, along with damages and interferences. GINVE.SDO managing software allows to monitor interventions and treatments performed and those to schedule on trees, as well as check the date and the outcome of the last inspection. In addition to this it skillfully steers all economic and human resources to grant people the highest standard of security and quality of green.
It is possible to export GINVE.SDO data, in example trees or play equipment, or the entire metric calculation in CVS format and then import, process, and manage them on other platforms.

Urban green metric calculation
GINVE.SDO deploys the metric calculation function based on parameterized pricelist. It is possible to either calculate the cost for the current year or select a specific year and visualize all past calculations to compare different periods.
Thanks to the research filters it is also possible to focus the calculation to targeted parks, or sites or trees bearing a specific risk class or cross these and many other parameters at the same time.

Urban green metric calculation
GINVE.SDO deploys the metric calculation function based on parameterized pricelist. It is possible to either calculate the cost for the current year or select a specific year and visualize all past calculations to compare different periods.
Thanks to the research filters it is also possible to focus the calculation to targeted parks, or sites or trees bearing a specific risk class or cross these and many other parameters at the same time.

Census data history filing
GINVE.SDO automatically updates the historic archive and enables to view the detailed history of the element selected at any time. History of data is a supporting tool for all public authorities to rely on:
- During decision making. Depending on the real need, it allows a correct analysis of the public spending
- During lawsuit. It allows to reduce the risks of liability in the event of accidents caused by trees, play equipment or other elements
Census data history filing
GINVE.SDO automatically updates the historic archive and enables to view the detailed history of the element selected at any time. History of data is a supporting tool for all public authorities to rely on:
- During decision making. Depending on the real need, it allows a correct analysis of the public spending
- During lawsuit. It allows to reduce the risks of liability in the event of accidents caused by trees, play equipment or other elements

GINVE.SDO - How it works
GINVE.SDO is an on-premise platform for Microsoft® Windows® environments compatible with Microsoft®Access® ed Oracle® database.
Compared to the previous version, GINVE.SDO works with the same GINVE.CLOUD database, yet offering more sophisticated tools to enter data, a higher reliability, and better performances. GINVE.SDO grants alpha-numeric (CSV) and graphic (SHP) data exportation of all registered elements fully compatible with GINVE.CLOUD and GINVE.TAB.
GINVE.SDO interface is highly intuitive and enables to access the sheet of an element or visualize its position on the map in few seconds. The info contained in the sheet are grouped in TAB (General, Damages, Interferences…) to ease reading and comprehension.
GINVE.SDO allows data changes of one or more elements at the same time thanks to the “multiple changes” option (interventions, surveys, treatments, general data, and so forth). The “research filters” are made to manage the filtered elements only and change them accordingly.
GINVE.SDO - How it works
GINVE.SDO is an on-premise platform for Microsoft® Windows® environments compatible with Microsoft®Access® ed Oracle® database.
Compared to the previous version, GINVE.SDO works with the same GINVE.CLOUD database, yet offering more sophisticated tools to enter data, a higher reliability, and better performances. GINVE.SDO grants alpha-numeric (CSV) and graphic (SHP) data exportation of all registered elements fully compatible with GINVE.CLOUD and GINVE.TAB.
GINVE.SDO interface is highly intuitive and enables to access the sheet of an element or visualize its position on the map in few seconds. The info contained in the sheet are grouped in TAB (General, Damages, Interferences…) to ease reading and comprehension.
GINVE.SDO allows data changes of one or more elements at the same time thanks to the “multiple changes” option (interventions, surveys, treatments, general data, and so forth). The “research filters” are made to manage the filtered elements only and change them accordingly.